Rules and Regulations:-

The working hours in the library: 5:10p.m. – 9:10p.m.

The library remains closed on Sunday and other college holidays.


Library Civics


Silence should be maintained in the library. Conversation, smoking, sleeping, loitering, spitting are not allowed.

Mobile phones must be switched off before entering the library. Every user should sign the register before entering the library.




The membership of the library is open to students, teachers and non-teaching staff of the college.

Ex-students, retired teachers and retired non-teaching staff of this college are allowed to use the reading room facilities.


Issue of Books


After admission, three cards for Honours course and two cards for General course are issued to the students. The Honours students may borrow upto three books and General students may borrow two books for home issue. In the reading room students may take upto five books at a time by producing reference card.

The teachers of the college may borrow upto ten books for home issue and upto ten books for reference use.

The non-teaching staff of the college may borrow upto two books for home issue.


Care of Books/Journals


Every borrower shall be responsible for proper care of books issued to them. Before borrowing books they are advised to check the condition of the book. If any book is found damaged / mutilated etc., the person to whom the book was issued last will be held responsible for such act and shall be liable to compensate for the same. Books lost by the borrower must be replaced.




The books lent to students must be returned within 15 days from the date of issue. If anyone fails to return the book within the due, he/she shall have to pay a fine of ten paisa per day till the date of return.


Library Clearance


Every borrower (student) leaving the college shall be required to submit a library clearance certificate to the office before their Form Fill Up.

All teachers and members of non-teaching staff leaving the college shall obtain a library clearance certificate.


Library Internet Use Policy


1. Internet computers will not be used for illegal activity, to access illegal material, or to access materials that might be considered obscene.

2. Installation, downloading or modification software is prohibited.

3. Users will respect copyright laws, licensing agreements and cyber laws of the country.

4. Users will not make any attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted files or networks, or to damage or modify computer equipment or software, or to use e-mail/chat etc., for private purposes.

5. Users must sign up to use the internet in library’s internet register.

6. Access session will be limited to 15 minutes to provide access for other users. However, the time schedule may be altered according to the demand under the surveillance of the librarian.

7. Users will respect the privacy of other users, and will refrain from attempting to view or read material being used by others.

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